Are you looking for gospel-centered Vacation Bible School literature for 2024? We believe we have something that you may be interested in. Evangelistic International Ministries has been conducting children’s Bible schools around the world for the past 15 years. With a desire for something that was completely gospel centered, our volunteers began writing and developing our own curriculum. EIM has now formatted all of our material so that it can be used here in the U.S. by local churches.
This summer, take your students on a Gospel Cruise. Your students will enjoy sailing aboard the S.S. Gospel Voyage. Each day, the S.S. Gospel Voyage will make a port of call at a very important place. On the first day, your port of call is at the Garden of Eden. In the Garden, you will discover God’s creation and man’s fall. The second day, your port of call will be at Bethlehem. At Bethlehem, you will discover God’s plan to bring sinful man back into fellowship with Himself. The port of call on the third day will be at Galilee. It’s at Galilee that you will hear Jesus teaching about who He is by looking at the seven “I AM” statements that He made. The last day’s port of call will be at Gethsemane. It’s here at the cross your student will see God’s incredible love and grace. It’s here that they will see the wrath of God poured out on His own Son.
In our VBS package, you will have everything necessary to conduct a 4-day VBS. The package will include a Teacher Guide and a Student guide for each age group. Also included are crafts, games, skits, and posters to go along with each day’s lesson. All of this was done by EIM’s volunteer staff of mothers who are passionate about God’s word, the gospel, and children. Each lesson is intentional in pointing students to the fact that they are sinners in need of a Savior.
I have seen these lessons taught by seasoned teachers as well as those who are teaching for the first time. In each case, I have seen hundreds, if not thousands, of boys, girls, and yes, even adults come to faith in Jesus Christ. As a Missionary/Pastor, I have found no better curriculum as gospel focused and gospel centered.
All of this material is available to download and print. If you would like more information about our VBS literature, please contact me, Mike Goodwin, at or text me at 870-904-2091. All of the materials that we are offering are completely free for any church. We will be available to have all-weather banners made for purchase, if so desired. We would ask that you consider making a donation of any size to EIM after you have printed and used our material.